Friday, June 23, 2017

Wargaming on a budget

So I'm not one of those who just forks out money hand over fist, so I have to pick and choose.  But there is a way to have some wargaming fun and not spend a ton of money.  So I purchased the Battle Systems Bumper Set (PDF Download), which was about $20.00.  Now he has all this special stuff you need to buy in order to build, HOGWASH!!!  I used plain paper and cardboard from left over boxes that I horde.  I am well on my way to setting up a full system and run my Sci-Fi Pulp Alley scenario that I have been writing up.

Pulp Alley Quick Reaction Force

QRF - Quick Reaction Force
Space Marines
Pulp Alley
League Perks:
Short Ranged
Jack of all Trades
Keen Senses